Friday, November 18, 2011


So how did I end up in Israel this time? I was all set for a perfect PhD position in Germany, my parents were happy that I was going to live closer to home after spending all these years abroad. Then I find an email in my Manchester University inbox: Somebody is opening up a new lab in the Weizmann Institute in Israel and is looking for people to join the lab. Without thinking much about it, I sent my CV and got a PhD position. Awesome? Awesome!
I should maybe add to this that I am in a long-term relationship with an Israeli and therefore have visited the country before. Still, I would not have imagined ever living in Israel. I am not so much worried about security issues (my family is worrying enough about that), but cultural differences are great. I guess that's what made this location seem interesting for me in the first place! Still four years feel like an eternity away... Will I manage? - follow me and find out!

1 comment:

  1. ohmann du bist echt ein verrücktes Huhn :) kenn glaub niemanden der soooo viele Hummeln im hintern hat wie du ... wünsch dir / euch alles gute und nen super start !
